Whats Happ WDBC

Morgan State University Concert Choir

Join us on Saturday, March 22nd  at 5 pm as we host Morgan State University concert choir during their Spring tour! 

Chili Cook-off

The West Durham Baptist Church Kitchen Ministry is sponsoring its first “Chili Cook-off” on Saturday, March 15th. There’s a $5 entry fee to secure your place, but there are only 10 spots available! If you’re interested in participating, sign up by Sunday, March 2nd. And if you don’t desire to enter, but still want to enjoy the chili, you may purchase a $10 tasting ticket that will allow you to sample all the chili entries and cast your vote for the best one. Mark your calendars — Saturday, March 15th for this event!

Members of the Kitchen Ministry will be available in the library immediately following the morning worship service for you to sign up to enter or to purchase your tasting ticket.

Taking It Back to Church

"Taking It Back to Church"

The Drama Ministry is inviting you to accompany G-ma Millie as she takes her granddaughter Jade on an interactive journey to give her a different view on how God, our faith, and the Black Church have shaped our African American history. We look forward to seeing you in the fellowship hall on Sunday, March 2nd at 3 pm for an afternoon of drama, singing, dancing, and a touch of humor!
If you plan to attend, please stop by the chapel to get a free admission ticket from a member of the Drama Ministry or you may complete the google form to receive a ticket: https://forms.gle/aUwGpeLZ6TauBshY9


Bridging Generations

Bridging Generations, Building Kingdom

One Church, Many Members: Strengthening the Church Through Generational Unity

Objective: We are excited to invite you to a special event where we will explore the God-given value of having multiple generations within the church. Rooted in the body of Christ, this generational unity creates a vibrant, powerful community.

Through scripture, reflection, and lively discussions, we’ll look at the blessings and challenges of coming together as one big family, where different generations worship, learn, and serve together. We will also discover how to harness the unique strengths each generation brings to help build God’s Kingdom.

Join us for fun, fellowship, and engaging activities that will deepen our understanding of generational unity. We’ll also share practical steps—both personally and as a church family—to help us grow together in love, wisdom, and spiritual vitality.

Come prepared for a meaningful time of connection, growth, and heartfelt conversations that will bring us closer as a community!

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:2-3


Sunday Morning Attire

Are you struggling with what to wear this morning for worship? No worries! We’ve got you covered! As a matter of fact, we’ve got you covered for the entire month of February.
Join us this month as we switch it up a little with our Sunday morning worship attire. Even if you are worshipping with us online, take some time to put on your Sunday Best this morning while worshipping. On 2nd Sunday, rep your favorite team. On 3rd Sunday, rep your organization; and on 4th Sunday, wear your BEST African attire.
See you in worship!



Anniversary/Homecoming 2024

We bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Homecoming Committee is excited to host the 132nd anniversary this year! This year’s theme is “Expanding Our Reach: Reaching Up, Down, Out, In and Over.” Our theme scripture is “praising God and enjoying the favor of all people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). 

This year’s Anniversary/Homecoming colors are pink (in honor of breast cancer awareness month), along with accents of black and white. We have an exciting Homecoming lineup planned this year that includes volunteerism, fundraising, and of course fellowship! Click the link for details!